Ecotourism and eco-friendly hotels, a rising trend

As climate change and environmental degradation continue to accelerate, the urgency for ecotourism becomes more apparent. The travel industry, policymakers, and travellers themselves must come together to embrace this transformative approach to tourism. Read More+

Rise of the ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) Regulations

ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) Regulations refer to the regulatory measures designed to promote sustainable and responsible business practices. Environmental factors cover a range of issues related to climate change, pollution, resource depletion, waste management etc. Social factors cover issues related to labor practices, human rights, and community impact, while governance factors cover issues related […]


As the international community becomes increasingly aware of the challenges due to climate change and environmental degradation, sustainable tourism is now not only a necessity but a rising trend for travellers. The ongoing Pandemic has made them more concerned about the environment than before. Nearly three quarters of travellers believe in ‘Green Travel’, They look […]

When saving species is your passion

A career in wildlife conservation requires a lot of attention and hard work and should only be followed by those who are passionate about animals and who want to protect and learn more about them. Government agencies, Wildlife NGOs, and some others related to the field, provide opportunities to have a career in wildlife conservation. […]